The Quick Quiz Challenge (pages 26-27)

  • How many Harry Potter films are there?  A= 8 films
Resultado de imagen para harry potter
  • What is the only word in English that finishes with the letters -mt? A= Dreamt

  • Who wrote the teenage bestseller The Catcher in the Rye? A= J.D. Salinger
Resultado de imagen para The Catcher in the Rye
  • What are the colours of the Polish flag? A= Red and white
Resultado de imagen para polish flag
  • Who was the Ancient Greek messenger of the gods? A= Hermes
Resultado de imagen para hermes ancient greek
  • Which  Apollo mission to the Moon nearly ended in disaster? A= Apollo 13
Resultado de imagen para apollo 13

  • Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak founded a computer company. Which one? A= Apple
Resultado de imagen para apple
  • How many dots are there on two dice? A= There are 42 dots
Resultado de imagen para dados
  • In America English, It's a 'faucet'. What is it in British English? A= Tap
Resultado de imagen para tap
  • Which American state produces the most oil? A= Texas
Resultado de imagen para texas
  • Which is the fifth planet from the Sun in our solar system? A= Jupiter
Resultado de imagen para jupiter
  • Which philosopher wrote Cogito, ergo sum (I think, therefore I am.) ? A= Descartes
Resultado de imagen para descartes
  • If it takes three people four days to build a wall, how long will it take one person? A= 12 days
Resultado de imagen para construir
  • What type of performer terrifies Jonny Depp? A= The clowns
Imagen relacionada
  • Wich country does the singer Lorde come from? A= New Zeland 
Resultado de imagen para nueva zelanda bandera


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